6 reasons why the new Facebook profile sucks.

So, you got this ridiculous Coming Soon intimation on your homepage as if you were really looking forward to the new profile! The fact that you did not migrate to the new profile till this point was essentially because you were more than contented with your old profile layout already.

Love it or hate it, you have to accept all the shit that they offer. And then there are no choices to choose a better shit or worse. My story is different; I was misled by their “What’s new” video and got migrated into the latest ASAP. The very next day I thought of coming up with this blog-post on how and why it was no more a social-network but an online market but then I thought perhaps I would get accustomed to it in a little time. It’s been months and not only me, but also my friends, young and old, despise it. I do not think any person apart from those who have their “Sponsored Ads” up and running in those panels would have welcomed this in true sense.

Here are 6 reasons (OMG, I could really find 6 reasons!!) why it really sucks:

1. Personal Profile page font: We did not really like the  home-page font size diminished. So, we asked Facebook to get back the old layout; they offered us the same shit on our personal profiles! So, my pages are always on a Ctrl+, thanks to the browser font size variation property.

2. Links Archive: You had a good reason to make Facebook as a bookmark organizer of your singled-out links, but now you have to break your head to find the archive of your links. And worse, your friend’s link, shared a couple of days back, instantly, unlike old profile Links tab. But the basics do not change. So if you wish to run through your previous links, take a look at this previous blog-post of mine.

3. No Info (sidebar) box for your blog traffic: You are a blogger. You shared your blog URL. And that was your identity how your voiced your opinion. Plus that set you apart from a ‘fake’ profile. But now with these inane big icons of Movies, Music, Inspirational People hitting your eyes instantly on click of Info tab, anyone would hardly care to get to your website info. present at the nadir of  your personal info. Hence, no traffic from outsiders on your blog via Facebook.

4. Sponsored Ads: The primary reason behind the whole idea of coming up with the latest changes to Personal Profile was to eat up your personal space in the left panel and transfer them to the right for Sponsored Ads. So more clicks, more Like-hits and more moolah for MZ.

5. Status Messages Archive: Well, he should understand that my profile is full of Farmville, Anita’s predictions and 101 new apps that spam your Time Line every new day that I cannot really scroll through and keep hiding them when I wake up in the morning to go through what my friends had written when I was offline. Here’s what I am talking about. Now that is extinct. (This is a part of homepage layout but was introduced in the same period as new FB Profile)

UPDATE: This feature is now available underneath the Most Recent link.

6. Networked blogs tab killed: The no links-tab feature almost killed Networked Blogs where you could follow others’ blog, have your profile and get traffic onto your blogs too. Again, a setback for bloggers.

Last but not the least, the most notable change in the new profile had been tagged photos appearing in your profile. I wonder who would like to see YourTaggedPals photos, or flowers, cakes, cartoons etc. So, the only good reason I figured out to make use of that feature is to display –>

than keep myself tagging inanely over n over again.