Effective Facebooking with Organized Bookmarks and Managed Applications.

Although this post should have come a bit early but as the old adage goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention”. I would rather call it a discovery essentially because I needed it. Not that I did not know about it but just that I never felt the need. Fortunately, this is something that really helps me, with each day adding up to bouts of addiction to me on FB.

The next few lines are about all the ways you could enhance your social networking experience via your Facebook profile. Some of these features are known to us, some are not, and the rest, we never paid heed to. I am talking of Bookmarks on your Facebook homepage on the right panel and the Applications that you use to network or kill your time.

Organizing Bookmarks

It is quite obvious that we might miss out on lot of live/news updates (status/links/photos/videos/notes/tags) of our friends which might interest us. As per my observation goes, not all updates are LIVE in true sense. Some get hidden and get updated later when we scroll down again to the older updates that we have already seen. But seldom we do that, with Fb pouring in so many, every second on the homepage walls. So, the best way out is to organize our bookmarks for quick access to updates of our friends that we might have missed ‘recently’. Here are the ways:

1. Links/Notes:

In my previous post, few months back I had discussed how to view all the Links/Notes of friends or just anyone’s by manipulating the URL, even if the links’/notes’ tabs/boxes are not present in their profile page ( I will be discussing how to set them in your profile later in this post). But the post is quite techie, n wouldn’t interest the common mass.

As shown in the picture below, now you could arrange the apps as per your choice, preferably, Links/Notes on top than Applications & Games which are defaulted by FB. You can do this by clicking on “Edit” and then drag and drop the apps as per your suitability. The encircled ‘X’ image implies you could remove it completely from Bookmarks too. However, you could always set it back. (discussed below)

click to enlarge

2. Status Messages:

As far as my observations are concerned, not all status updates are caught by our eyes. Some just get skipped. So, all you have to do is click on Friends link-label and you get a drop down like this picture below:

Click to enlarge

Can you see a link-label as “Status Updates”? Well, clicking on that will give you all the recent updates by your friends. Now you don’t really miss any & don’t give a chance to your BFF as to why you didn’t comment/like such a witty status. The only disappointment here is there should be a node-subnode (+) icon shown that will make is know that there is something I need to follow-up. But only Facebook Developers know why they haven’t!

3. Photos/Videos:

You will be amused to see so many tagged videos and photos of friends you have missed on the updates. Here, you can catch everything once again. (See picture below)

click to enlarge

Managing Applications

Now I feel you should take some time out to explore a bit on the Application Settings and trust me there’s so much of customization you could do! Here’s something to save your time. Better thank me for all the R n D done just to make you task easy! 🙂

1. Setting back or removing Bookmarks from Application Settings:

Click on Application Settings on Account. You see a page like this (image below)

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Now, Click on ‘Edit Settings’ for Social Interview (e.g.), go to Bookmark tab, you could select/deselect as per your preference from your homepage. (See below screenshot)

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2. Settings of Boxes/Tabs on profile page:

On the same Application Settings, you could do a bit more. By default FB provides Wall/Info on your profile page.
You have options to set your fave app as a tab or a box on your profile. Refer the screen-shot below on settings for Links.( A box appears on the right panel below your DP)

click to enlarge

Same goes with Notes and other apps that give you an option to do so. You also could shuffle (using the + symbol at the end of Tabs) between various apps but in total only 6 could be accommodated. You could have a look at my profile now. (For people not on my FB friend list, I meant like this)

Well, until Facebook launches any additional features, I think this should be more than enough to keep you glued to it 24/7 now. 😉

Please let me know if I have missed anything somewhere and if it did help you. Comments/Questions/Suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Go ahead and share. Facebook for life!! 🙂