Ekla Chalo Re…

What if your friends pull out of a trip you planned so desirously,
What if there’s no one to accompany you to a rock concert or a trek,
What if you invite people to dine together and all you get is alibis,
And then there’s none to give you company to a movie theatre…

What if you had a real bad day at work/interview & you got none to share your woes,
What if you wish to give vent to all your bottled up agonies & the world is busy,
What if you have all the love to give but there’s nobody to accept,
And what if you want love and just everyone’s so cold?
……………..So what! My friend, just remember these precious lines of wisdom from the great Rabindranath TagoreJodi Tor Daak Shune Keu Na Ase Tobe Ekla Chalo Re” (If no one responds to your call, then go your own way alone)

Wait for none...I walk alone.

16 comments on “Ekla Chalo Re…

  1. 🙂 heartfelt post , a lovely song i always enjoyed listening to, today liked it even better with these lines straight from your heart! 🙂

  2. Beautiful! Damning and depressing the moment of loneliness may be, but all that the heart needs is to recall those lovely words… Nice post!

    • @Aisoo(Coffee Bean): Beauty is in appreciation. Many thanks. Glad U liked it.

      @Vasanth: Been there, done that. Am sure each one of us, at one point of time or the other have felt it. Thanks again.

  3. hmmm…Understood every words and letter what it meant..not exactly in dictionary terms. Often some jumble words together makes sense, sometimes we know that we have learnt long back in school to appreciate rhyme…. to me the above post was not so easy to comprehend. Not that I don’t know how situations and circumstances sometimes surrounds around oneself but feel the same pain what the writer have gone through twice, first while experiencing and second time while writing it. Bringing emotions of any kind is not so easy in words even for experts writers. Mostly because words that reminds the agony, the disturbance and tears shed naturally while reading it again and again every time we read the word or that particular line brings back that same pain, is difficult to portrait. For I know while reading it quite felt like so easy and quite written piece of few lines together….the more effortless they look to me…I conclude there have been truly a sum of little efforts made to make it look so ‘Neat’. Honestly, I’m touched! You truly got a power to change the state of mind..
    ~ Keep the Spark ALive.. P.A.B.L.O.

      • @Rachana: My fair lady, the comment in itself is so profound and descriptive that only a blogger who writes about pain, the pleasure of pain and the ecstasy post that could aptly describe. I may not be able to give you the response you possibly sought for, in here but yes I can surely scribble my thoughts on your soul-stirring posts. I do not stand good enough to do justice to have a response to such a fantabulous insight that has been translated into a comment but all I feel right now is a sense of honor that makes me feel so elated and is very encouraging. Here’s a “Muchas Gracias” again….this time straight from the deepest corner of this heart. 🙂

  4. The same legend said..

    “Sei bhalo sei bhalo..
    amare…. na hoy na jaano”

    (Better be that, may you never understand me)

    But we do understand, don’t we? 🙂 We just don’t say it. Hence we have to have solitude.
    Wonderful writing. 🙂

  5. Pingback: Travelogue: Solo backpacking trip – Gokarna | ~~Biswajeet's Blog~~

  6. Well written! Anyway it is better to go on your journey alone than miss out on opportunities because nobody wants to accompany you.

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