Ekla Chalo Re…

What if your friends pull out of a trip you planned so desirously,
What if there’s no one to accompany you to a rock concert or a trek,
What if you invite people to dine together and all you get is alibis,
And then there’s none to give you company to a movie theatre…

What if you had a real bad day at work/interview & you got none to share your woes,
What if you wish to give vent to all your bottled up agonies & the world is busy,
What if you have all the love to give but there’s nobody to accept,
And what if you want love and just everyone’s so cold?
……………..So what! My friend, just remember these precious lines of wisdom from the great Rabindranath TagoreJodi Tor Daak Shune Keu Na Ase Tobe Ekla Chalo Re” (If no one responds to your call, then go your own way alone)

Wait for none...I walk alone.