Why should Aamir Khan apologize? – Satyamev Jayate!

These days if you call a thug, “A thug”, he wants you to apologize for saying so!

So are *some* doctors now asking Aamir Khan to do so, after he aired the 4th Episode of Satyamev Jayate that focussed on the unethical practices, commercialization of health services, malpractices in the medical profession and various woes that a common man faces in Healthcare each day! It’s like unscrupulous politicians in the Parl asking apology from Team Anna for calling them thieves. Just because our Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is NOT corrupt doesn’t mean all Politicians are doodh ka dhula hua! In a similar fashion, if those doctors who want an apology, think they are right at their place, why are they making a fuss about it? Just because their colleagues kept doing something for years together and now that the cat is out of the bag, they are feeling ashamed? Instead they should try cleaning the shit that has accumulated in the medical system. They say, Guilty mind is always suspicious. 

There were eminent doctors too at the show who were no less than Role Models of Medical Profession. For instance, Dr. Devi Shetty of Narayan Hrudayalaya. If you are doing “a service” then please continue to. No one is pointing a finger at you but to those, who have made Medical Profession more like a lucrative business; who admit their children into some private hospitals with a fat donation so that they could run their clinics and hence the business. Do these clinics pay taxes at all?

You are asked to do an X-ray, MRI scan, CT scan… blah blah blah…even before meeting an Orthopedist! What for? Because they say it’s the process! (Oh yea, process of overcoming the cost on the new instruments bought, & making successive profits post that!) I am subject to a demo of various medical equipments just because the screws in them might get rusted. And in the process I am charged an arm and a leg!  In Bangalore, if you visit a doctor, the 1st question they ask you is “Are you in IT industry?”, even though it has nothing to do with your profession, say you went for Flu or loose motion! They know you’ll be reimbursed as most IT companies “cover” your medical expenses.

You are seriously critical. You will be admitted in a hospital for days together (until the Hospital thinks they have got enough margins) and then you will be asked to undergo a surgery. In a worst case, you will be sent to ICU. Then you die! By then, your family would have sold themselves after almost selling the entire property with a hope that a private hospital will pay heed to your kith and kin and a life will be saved (we all know how caring Govt. hospitals are, agree some of them are too good, but time is more important to save a life than patience to wait for your turn in a queue). But you die! So, tell me do these doctors or Hospitals REIMBURSE or return a portion of the money spent by you, back to you?? You really don’t want that anymore. Because you lost someone priceless, despite putting all the money at stake. Ask me the trauma! I have lost my brother, and my beloved aunt.

In India, we don’t have any rule to do so, nor the licenses of doctors who indulge in malpractices and Gynaecs who indulge in illegal practice of Female Foeticide are cancelled. They have a UNION. They will go on a strike. Only IT Industry doesn’t. (Don’t tell me about NASSCOM, they don’t pay your treatment fees for neck pain or back pain for constant long hours at work in stress, nor do they donate sperms for your receding sperm counts)

Much has been said and done in the show. So, I wouldn’t elaborate here. Today, iff someone in your family is a Surgeon, you can breathe a sigh of relief.  I am glad that Aamir got this issue out to the public that has been plaguing Healthcare and adding up to the common man woes each day, which mainstream MEDIA never highlighted. Just because Satyamev Jayate has notched up record TRPs, so media has to do something to bring back the TRPs back to them. And in the process, relay all the NEGATIVE aspects than going to “common man” and interviewing them of their sufferings.

Thanks to the changing times, today you don’t save money for dowry, but you have to do the same for the doctor and the hospital where you might be admitted tomorrow for an unknown disease and unnecessary surgery, God forbid.

Last but not the least, an excerpt from the show,

“The practice of medicine has long been seen as a noble one. The doctor is looked upon as healer, guardian of our well-being, and someone we trust with our lives. Literally. But, does Healthcare need Healing?”

Yes, it does. If you’re good, you will COMMAND respect and be worshipped. You NEED NOT DEMAND RESPECT!  And Aamir Khan WILL NOT apologize!

Satyamev Jayate!

Finally, the episode in case you missed or aren’t sure what I am talking about.